Extract SliceTiming from NIFTI Header

Hello All,
I am trying to run fmriPrep on the following dataset: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/29352

I have converted it to BIDS format, however due to a lack of metadata provided by the authors of the dataset I am unable to find the exact slice timings. I have the TR as specified in the paper, however since it is not a DICOM file and I have previously extracted slice timining headers using DICOM2NIFTI I am unsure of how to find these exact values for the JSON file.

If anyone has an insight on this it would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Chris,

If the dataset authors do not provide the slice timings, then there’s not much you can do. fMRIPrep will simply skip slice-timing correction if it’s unavailable.

If you feel this is important, the only thing I can suggest is contacting the researchers who collected the data.


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Hi Chris,
I feared as much.

Many thanks for your fast response.
