Hi everyone,
I want to fit GLM to a specific set of voxels rather than the whole brain. For this purpose, I created a mask using NiftiMasker class from nilearn. My code is like the following:
mask_img= nib.load(‘mask_img.nii’)
func_data= nib.load(‘func_data.nii’)
masker= NiftiMasker(mask_img, target_affine= func_data.affine, target_shape=
masked_data= masker.inverse_transform(masker.transform_single_imgs(func_data))
This way, I get a nifti image with the exact dimension of my func_data and only the voxels within the mask. Am I doing it right? Is there any other way to extract the voxels within a mask rather than transforming and inverse transforming?
Any input would be highly appreciated! Thanks!