Eye tracking fixations, saccades and blinks in BIDS

Hi All,

I’m programming a tool to BIDSify eyetracking .edf data that are coregistered with fMRI. The script generates two different files: The first one ends in “physio.tsv” and contains all the continuous recordings, such as gaze position and pupil area. The second one ends in “events.tsv” and contains the events defined by messages that the stimulus code sends to the eye tracker.

I have some doubts about saving data such as fixations, saccades and blinks. Even though they are not straightforwardly continuous data, they could be included in the physio.tsv file in an additional column. Or, they could be dealt with as events, with an onset and a duration. Or, alternatively I could omit these events from the tool and leave it to the user to detect these based on their preferred detection algorithm and thresholds.

I was wondering if there is a recommended way to save this type of data in BIDS, or if anyone else is working on this and has some insights (from a developer or a BIDS user point of view). I’ve seen BEP020 (https://bids.neuroimaging.io/bep020) but that part is unclear to me.

Thanks for any help!

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hi @chrysa

Thank you for your question! Perhaps this can be surfaced in the google doc BEP or by reaching out directly to the BEP leads (listed at the top of the google doc) can provide insights into how this question could be addressed?

Thank you,