Feat hangs in Apptainer (docker) - other commands work cleanly

Hey all,

I made a docker file following the instructions here - Document
I slurm, and then use apptainer to pull the published dockerfile from dockerhub.

apptainer shell --pwd /home -B $PWD:/home fsl-image2_1.sif

Gives me access

I then have to export PATH=$FSLDIR/bin:$PATH; export OMP_NUM_THREADS=36; export FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI_GZ; export FSLPARALLEL=36 as the enviroment variables don’t seem to follow.

I can then run arbitrary commands within -

*Apptainer>* *fslinfo BET/* T1_brain1.nii.gz

However when i try a

feat design.fsf

It just hangs… nothing is created anywhere, no resources are consumed. i tried making the docker and feat verbose… but there is no clue about how to proceed.

Any advice? Care to share a working docker that works under apptainer? Thaaaanks!
