I am running Fitlins 0.10.1, trying to implement a GLM that includes 5 aCompCor components as nuisance variables (among other variables). However, some of my functional runs do not have 5 aCompCor components. That is, in these runs, <5 components explained 50% of the variance. FitLins throws an error when trying to run my model on these runs since the 4th or 5th component (e.g. a_comp_cor04) are not present.
Is there a way for Fitlins to simply ignore these regressors if not present? Alternatively, would it be valid to manually add in columns of zeros in the confounds tsv file for these missing regressors?
Hi, I originally included --drop-missing in my fitlins command because that’s what I figured it would do. Unfortunately I still get the error. I will confirm this is the case, and if so, I’ll post something on the GitHub instead because it sounds like a bug.
though as a general thought I wonder what would be a good way to guide future developpers to see what implementation choices have been made by other developpers in the past.