Fixing Left-Right Reversal

I recently tried running fMRIprep after performing left-right hemisphere reversal, but I’m unsure about the correct way to accomplish this. I attempted two approaches:

  1. Following the method on FreeSurfer’s LeftRightReversal page, I used mri_convert --in_orientation to modify the header orientation (for both structural and functional images) before running fMRIprep.
  2. Alternatively, I used FSL’s fslswapdim to flip the matrix along the left-right axis before running fMRIprep.

However, the resulting BOLD signals from these two methods are not identical. Specifically, which of the suggested methods (mri_convert vs. fslswapdim) will accomplish my goals? Or another suitable method.

I’d appreciate any insights or suggestions!

Our usual practice is to use afni 3dresample to put the images into LPI (right-handed) orientation after running fMRIprep, not before. We use LPI since it’s useful to have a default and LPI is handled consistently by the software we use, but if the NIfTI headers are correct you should be able view an image however you prefer (left-on-left or left-on-right) without having to change the actual image file.