Fixing Outliers/Certain Images after preprocessing steps

Screenshot 2025-02-28 111419
After applying some preprocessing steps to my ADNI data, the samples are mostly clean, but there are still some samples that contain neck artifacts.

How can I address this issue? Is there a specific step or set of parameters I could use to make adjustments to all the samples? Manually inspecting 944 samples would be quite challenging. samples would be quite challenging.

Please refer to my prepocessing bash below:


apply_bias_correction() {
    local input_dir=$1
    local output_dir=$2

    # Count total number of files
    total_files=$(find "$input_dir" -name "*_normalized.nii.gz" | wc -l)

    for file in "$input_dir"/*_normalized.nii.gz; do
        if [ -f "$file" ]; then
            filename=$(basename "$file" _normalized.nii.gz)

            # Skip if already processed
            if [ -f "$output_file" ]; then
                echo "Skipping already processed file: $output_file"

            # Calculate progress percentage
            progress=$((current_file * 100 / total_files))
            # Print progress bar
            printf "\rProgress: [%-50s] %d%%" $(printf "#%.0s" $(seq 1 $((progress/2)))) $progress
            # Apply bias field correction using FSL's FAST
            fast -t 1 -n 3 -H 0.1 -I 4 -l 20.0 -B -o "$output_dir/${filename}_bias_corrected" "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1
            # Move and rename the bias-corrected image
            mv "$output_dir/${filename}_bias_corrected_restore.nii.gz" "$output_file"
    # Print newline after progress bar

echo "Processing training data..."
apply_bias_correction "$train_dir" "$output_train_dir"

echo "Processing testing data..."
apply_bias_correction "$test_dir" "$output_test_dir"

echo "Bias field correction complete for all files."

Hi @Yasmine,

I don’t see how you did skull-stripping anywhere in your pipeline. If that is the result of skull stripping you did use, you can try alternate tools. SynthStrip seems to be a popular and recent choice that works well, for example. There are of course other tools to try too.


Thank you so much for your response. I actually thought BET will do the job. Is it okay to apply skull scripting on the current registered data? Or I have to start from scratch?

You can try to skull strip what you have but it will probably work best on non-stripped data.

Could you please tell me the command for skull stripping? I’ve read that it’s also done using Bet, but I am not sure about the parameters.

I was referencing synthstrip which has documentation here:

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