Summary of what happened:
Hello everyone. I am running fmri prep 2024.1.0. My folders are in BIDS format (no error)
In my func folder I have:
- sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_bold.nii.gz
- sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_bold.json
And in my fmap folder I have:
- sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_dir-pa_epi.nii.gz
- sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_dir-pa_epi.json
In the.json file, I have specified : “IntendedFor”: [“bids::sub-02/ses-1/func/sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_bold.nii.gz”] (as the new version requires : Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Brain Imaging Data Structure 1.10.0
Since I did not have a AP top up, I extracted the first volume of my task (in AP), called it : sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_dir-ap_epi.nii.gz and placed it in the fmap folder
as follow :
# get fmri data from the task
data = nib.load(".../rawdata/sub-02/ses-1/func/sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_bold.nii.gz")
# extract the first volume
first_volume = image.index_img(data, 0)
# save the first volume as a separate NIfTI file
And then, I copied the .json task file (this one : sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_bold.json) and called it sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_dir-ap_epi.json
I changed the last part of the json file such as instead of it being written : “TaskName”: “priming”, I wrote : “IntendedFor”: [“bids::sub-02/ses-1/func/sub-02_ses-1_task-priming_bold.nii.gz”]
When I then run fmriprep, it won’t show B0 field maps nor do the distortion correction, where it would normally do it…
Do you know what could be happening?
Thank you!!
Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):
Linux Ubuntu
Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:
Data in BIDS format, no error or comment after BIDS validator.
Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):