fMRIprep 21.0.2error

Dear experts,

I recently downloaded fMRIprep version 21.0.2. I get the following error:

File Path: Task scans should have a corresponding events.tsv file. If this is a resting state scan you can ignore this warning or rename the task to include the word “rest”.

Type:		Warning
File:		sub-094_task-game1_run-01_bold.nii.gz
Location:		bids/sub-094/func/sub-094_task-game1_run-01_bold.nii.gz
Reason:		Task scans should have a corresponding events.tsv file. It can be included one of the following locations: /events.tsv, /task-game1_events.tsv, /run-01_events.tsv, /task-game1_run-01_events.tsv, /sub-094/sub-094_events.tsv, /sub-094/sub-094_task-game1_events.tsv, /sub-094/sub-094_run-01_events.tsv, /sub-094/sub-094_task-game1_run-01_events.tsv, /sub-094/func/sub-094_events.tsv, /sub-094/func/sub-094_task-game1_events.tsv, /sub-094/func/sub-094_run-01_events.tsv, /sub-094/func/sub-094_task-game1_run-01_events.tsv
Type:		Warning

File Path: Not all subjects/sessions/runs have the same scanning parameters.

Type:		Warning
File:		sub-094_task-game1_run-01_bold.nii.gz
Location:		bids/sub-094/func/sub-094_task-game1_run-01_bold.nii.gz
Reason:		 The most common set of dimensions is: 64,64,49,163 (voxels), This file has the dimensions: 64,64,49,160 (voxels).

File Path: Tabular file contains custom columns not described in a data dictionary

Type:		Warning
File:		participants.tsv
Location:		bids/participants.tsv
Reason:		Tabular file contains custom columns not described in a data dictionary
Evidence:	Columns: age, sex, group not defined, please define in: /participants.json


File Path: The Authors field of dataset_description.json should contain an array of fields - with one author per field. This was triggered based on the presence of only one author field. Please ignore if all contributors are already properly listed.

Type:		Warning

does these errors matters?What should I change or where could I find the .tsv file?


None of these warnings will preclude you from running fMRIPrep or alter fmriprep behavior. That being said, it would be good to fix these, especially if you plan on sharing your data.

The first warning is asking you to create an events.tsv file to accompany the BOLD file to describe the event timings of your task. The second is a warning the one file has different dimensions (not sure if you can change that in your raw data, just keep it in mind and maybe resample it later if it causes issues). The third error is asking you to create a participants.json file to describe the column names of participants.tsv, and the last warning is asking you to fill out content of the dataset_description.json file.


In addition to the answer above:

  • Warning 2 informs you that the dimensions of the scan sub-094_task-game1_run-01_bold.nii.gz is different than the task-game1 scans from the other subjects. In my personal experience, that is often caused by a scan that was abruptly ended causing it to have less time points.
  • Your participants.tsv file has variables that are not explained in an extra participants.json file. See for an example this participants.json on OpenNeuro.