Fmriprep BOLD Brain Mask Including Non-Brain Tissue

Hi all,
I am encountering an issue with the BOLD brain mask being generated by fmriprep including too much non-brain tissue. The pipeline we’re using goes on to reference this mask in subsequent calls and is resulting in a very noisy and inaccurate summary of components and signals, particularly in the area shown inferior to the frontal/temporal lobes.

Is there any way to adjust the singularity command to create a more appropriate mask for this data?
Our original image is being acquired as a multi-echo fMRI, and we are running the HCP Preprocessing pipeline/FreeSurfer prior to fmriprep.

We are running fmriprep-23.2.3 and here is the singularity call.

singularity run --cleanenv \
--no-home \
-B ${jobTmpDir}:/tmp \
-B "/project/***/templateflow:/templateflow" \
-B "/appl/freesurfer-7.1.1:/freesurfer" \
-B ${inputdir}:/data/input \
-B ${outputdir}:/data/output \
-B /project/***/***/fmriprep/prerun_output/$1:/fssubdir \
/project/***/singularity_containers/fmriprep-23.2.3.simg \
/data/input /data/output participant --skull-strip-template OASIS30ANTs --fs-license-file /freesurfer/license.txt \
--fs-subjects-dir /fssubdir/sourcedata/freesurfer \
--output-spaces fsaverage T1w fsnative fsLR MNI152NLin6Asym:res-2 --cifti-output 91k \
--bold2t1w-dof 6 \
--dvars-spike-threshold 1.5 \
--fd-spike-threshold 0.5 \
--ignore slicetiming \
--me-output-echos \
--notrack --nthreads 16 --omp-nthreads 15 --work-dir ${SINGULARITYENV_TMPDIR} --verbose --participant-label $1

Thanks in advance.


This is funny I posted the same issue at almost the same time as you! fMRIprep v24.0.1 brain masking question

We are also using multiecho data. When we ran with 23.0.1, the brain mask seemed fine, but when we upgraded to 24.0.1 we saw this issue. I even displayed almost exactly like you as well.

Hopefully we can figure this out.
