I am running fmriprep-docker and it is hanging on the following step. I have successfully run fmriprep 24.1 this way for other subjects in the same experiment, and this is the first time I have encountered this issue. The only change is that I was recently forced to update Docker, but I can’t see a clear connection between that and this issue. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):
In the future please use the Software Support post category / template. You can see I edited your post accordingly this time.
How much memory/cpu did you devote to the jobs? Have the jobs timed out and how long have you waited? Does this happen consistently for this subject / other subjects, even after using a fresh working directory?
I apologize for using the wrong category, thank you for correcting it!
I have attempted to run this subject 4 times with fresh working directories. The jobs have never timed out, I have waited 12 hours and they all stick at the same point (resume recon-all). I have not tried running another subject since encountering the issue, so I am trying that now. Sorry for the basic question, but how would I check how much memory/cpu is devoted to the job?
I have now tried it with a different subject and waited over a day and it is still stuck at the same place (resume recon-all). I agree that 8 gb isn’t a lot of RAM, but it seems odd that fmriprep was working on the same computer with the same parameters up until now. Do you have any suggestions for workarounds I can try?
You can try running freesurfer independently outside of fmriprep. If you have access to a compute cluster at your institution it would be better to move to that.