Fmriprep traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'md1d_file' trait

Summary of what happened:

I am running fmriprep jobs for multiple subjects and some subjects get the following error:

traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'md1d_file' trait of a VolregOutputSpec instance must be a pathlike object or string representing an existing file, but a value of '/Shared/jianglab/3_Data_Working/CausalConnectome/tmsfmri_fmriprep_test/workdir/fmriprep_22_0_wf/single_subject_3074_wf/func_preproc_task_LpMFG_wf/bold_t1_trans_wf/bold_reference_wf/gen_avg/vol0000_xform-00000_clipped_merged_sliced_md.1D' <class 'str'> was specified.

I checked the input file and confirmed there are no issues with them. There is also a .html output for that subject and it looks correct.

Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):

singularity run --cleanenv \
    --bind $bids_root_dir \
    /Shared/jianglab/0_scripts/Xin/fmri_prep_guochun/fmriprep-22.0.2.simg \
    $bids_root_dir/bidsdata $bids_root_dir/fmriprep \
    participant \
    --participant-label $subj \
    --output-spaces MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-2 \
    --stop-on-first-crash \
    --use-plugin $bids_root_dir2/scripts/plugin.yml \
    --ignore slicetiming \
    --fs-license-file $bids_root_dir2/code/license.txt \
    --resource-monitor \
    --low-mem \
    --force-bbr \
    --fs-no-reconall \
    -w $bids_root_dir/workdir >


You are using fMRIPrep-22.0.2, and a newer version of fMRIPrep is available: 23.0.2.

Environment (Docker, Singularity, custom installation):

it runs on a singularity container

Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:

The input is in BIDS format. Other files with the same format run correctly

Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):

	Traceback (most recent call last):
	  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 454, in aggregate_outputs
	    setattr(outputs, key, val)
	  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 330, in validate
	    value = super(File, self).validate(objekt, name, value, return_pathlike=True)
	  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/nipype/interfaces/base/", line 135, in validate
	    self.error(objekt, name, str(value))
	  File "/opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/traits/", line 74, in error
	    raise TraitError(
	traits.trait_errors.TraitError: The 'md1d_file' trait of a VolregOutputSpec instance must be a pathlike object or string representing an existing file, but a value of '/Shared/jianglab/3_Data_Working/CausalConnectome/tmsfmri_fmriprep_test/workdir/fmriprep_22_0_wf/single_subject_3074_wf/func_preproc_task_LpMFG_wf/bold_t1_trans_wf/bold_reference_wf/gen_avg/vol0000_xform-00000_clipped_merged_sliced_md.1D' <class 'str'> was specified.

Screenshots / relevant information:

Hi @Xin_Niu, and welcome to Neurostars!

Do not put the work directory within your BIDS root directory.

Unrelated, but:

You should not use the --fs-no-reconall flag (see here), as that will disable important FreeSurfer based workflows, including BBR.


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Thank you Steven! Could you explain why putting workdir within BIDS is not recommended?
I guess that’s not why we got the error as we have other data processed correctly.

The work directory will not produce BIDS valid outputs, so it makes your data not BIDS valid. It also puts a lot of read/write pressure on that folder.

It won’t crash every process, so it is worth making this change.


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Hi Steven,

I just checked my data and the bids dir is $bids_root_dir/bids_data. (where sub-XXX is at the top level).
The workdir is $bids_root_dir/work_dir

I guess this should work.


I just checked the output .html file and it seems there is an issue with image segmentation:

I visually checked the input image and there seem to be no image quality issues except the struct image is in a different coordinate. (this is the same case for the successful preprocessed images)

removing --fs-no-reconall will solve this problem. This will use freesurfer for registration and take longer time to run.