fMRIprep v 23.0.1 fieldmap SDC intensity and masking issues

Hi there,

My team and I are trying to understand what might be causeing some issues we are seeing with susceptability distorion correction. We collected field maps and used those to estimate inhomogeneity. In some, not all, of our participants, we are seeing that the “corrected” image has drastic changes in intensity - which also in some cases messes with the brain mask.
Heres an example:

Compared to the original “distorted” image:

This is the B0 map:

We are not sure what is causing this. But in some testing, we reran this person through fMRIprep using the same version and the same command/options and curiously, we got a different result:



B0 map:

Any thoughts/ideas would be helpful!!!

Hi Nikki,

This reminds me of a long debated/repeated issue in fmriprep version 21.x to 23.1.x:

These issues were resolved with 23.2.x: What’s new — fmriprep version documentation
The version you’re using is still affected by this issue.

Can you run a clean, from scratch (with removing work/tmp) latest fMRIprep on the subjects that you have an issue with?
