Freesurfer 7.3.2 : unable to complete autorecon2

I did recon-all stages separately, starting with autorecon1 which completed without issues. However i got stuck at autorecon2 with the following error

ERROR: cannot find or read transforms/talairach.m3z error: No such file or directory error: transforms/talairach.m3z: could not open transform

i’ve recently upgraded from freesurfer 7.2.0. I’ve never had such issues previously

You may get help here, but the FreeSurfer developers are responsive on the FreeSurfer mailing list.

We are having the same error after trying to run autorecon2. Recon-all works when running all steps.

Did you figure out how to fix this?


hi i’ve actually posted this issue in the freesurfer mailing list. I was told to append ‘-careg’ to the autorecon2 command and it worked for me.

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