FSL flirt changes the orientation and zoom


Summary of what happened:

In an MRI (IXI healthy data) preprocessing pipeline containing fslreorient2std and robustfov, I obtained the proper orientation and zoom before applying flirt. However, flirt (post skull-strip) then rotates and zooms in the MRIs. The issue does not apply to all MRIs in the IXI dataset, and I know that the pipeline itself should be fine, since it works perfectly on ADNI data.

IXI dataset is collected in three hospital/institution, Guys, HH and IOP. Three different machines are used. MRIs coming from Guys don’t typically have the above described issue, though a few does. I do encounter most of these issues in HH and IOP MRIs.

Command used:

    os.system(f'fslreorient2std {image_path} {preprocessed_image_path}')
    os.system(f'robustfov -i {preprocessed_image_path} -r {preprocessed_image_path}')
    os.system(f'bet {preprocessed_image_path} {preprocessed_image_path} -R -f {frac_intensity_thres}')
    segmented_path = f"{preprocessed_image_path.replace('.nii.gz', '_segout')}"
    os.system(f'fast -B -t 1 -o {segmented_path} {preprocessed_image_path}')
    preprocessed_image_path = segmented_path + "_restore.nii.gz"
    ref = Path(r"icbm_avg_152_t1_tal_lin.nii")
    os.system(f'flirt -in {preprocessed_image_path} -ref {ref} -out {preprocessed_image_path}')

frac_intensity_thres was set to 0.5, but I have tried more aggressive skull-stripping, and the problem persists.

Version: Flirt 6.0

Environment: Python making Bash calls

Screenshots / relevant information:

Sagittal slice of an MRI, preprocessed with the pipeline above, post flirt. As a new user I can only upload one image. Between every pre-processing step, I plot a sagittal slice of the brain, thus the above is supposed to be a sagittal slice. The last slice before flirt looks absolutely fine.

Hi @mathinbio, can you share the output of fslhd on both preprocessed_image_path and ref, just before your call to flirt?


sizeof_hdr      348
data_type       FLOAT32
dim0            3
dim1            181
dim2            217
dim3            181
dim4            0
dim5            0
dim6            0
dim7            0
vox_units       Unknown
time_units      Unknown
datatype        16
nbyper          4
bitpix          32
pixdim0         0.000000
pixdim1         1.000000
pixdim2         1.000000
pixdim3         1.000000
pixdim4         0.000000
pixdim5         0.000000
pixdim6         0.000000
pixdim7         0.000000
vox_offset      352
cal_max         0.000000
cal_min         0.000000
scl_slope       0.000000
scl_inter       0.000000
phase_dim       0
freq_dim        0
slice_dim       0
slice_name      Unknown
slice_code      0
slice_start     0
slice_end       0
slice_duration  0.000000
toffset         0.000000
intent          Unknown
intent_code     0
intent_p1       0.000000
intent_p2       0.000000
intent_p3       0.000000
qform_name      Unknown
qform_code      0
qto_xyz:1       1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 
qto_xyz:2       0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 
qto_xyz:3       0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 
qto_xyz:4       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 
qform_xorient   Left-to-Right
qform_yorient   Posterior-to-Anterior
qform_zorient   Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name      Unknown
sform_code      3
sto_xyz:1       1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -90.000000 
sto_xyz:2       0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -126.000000 
sto_xyz:3       0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 -72.000000 
sto_xyz:4       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 
sform_xorient   Left-to-Right
sform_yorient   Posterior-to-Anterior
sform_zorient   Inferior-to-Superior
file_type       NIFTI-1+
file_code       1
descrip         mnc2nii icbm_avg_152_t1_tal_lin.mnc icbm_avg_152_t1_tal_lin.nii

Before calling flirt:

sizeof_hdr      348
data_type       FLOAT32
dim0            3
dim1            146
dim2            256
dim3            181
dim4            1
dim5            1
dim6            1
dim7            1
vox_units       mm
time_units      s
datatype        16
nbyper          4
bitpix          32
pixdim0         -1.000000
pixdim1         1.200000
pixdim2         0.937500
pixdim3         0.937509
pixdim4         0.000000
pixdim5         0.000000
pixdim6         0.000000
pixdim7         0.000000
vox_offset      352
cal_max         0.000000
cal_min         0.000000
scl_slope       1.000000
scl_inter       0.000000
phase_dim       0
freq_dim        0
slice_dim       0
slice_name      Unknown
slice_code      0
slice_start     0
slice_end       0
slice_duration  0.000000
toffset         0.000000
intent          Unknown
intent_code     0
intent_p1       0.000000
intent_p2       0.000000
intent_p3       0.000000
qform_name      Scanner Anat
qform_code      1
qto_xyz:1       -1.198232 -0.024634 -0.044517 94.909119 
qto_xyz:2       -0.031496 0.937177 -0.001172 -87.795753 
qto_xyz:3       -0.057001 0.000001 0.936451 -63.057995 
qto_xyz:4       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 
qform_xorient   Right-to-Left
qform_yorient   Posterior-to-Anterior
qform_zorient   Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name      Scanner Anat
sform_code      1
sto_xyz:1       -1.198231 -0.024634 -0.044519 94.908936 
sto_xyz:2       -0.031496 0.937177 -0.001173 -87.795868 
sto_xyz:3       -0.057004 0.000000 0.936451 -63.057636 
sto_xyz:4       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 
sform_xorient   Right-to-Left
sform_yorient   Posterior-to-Anterior
sform_zorient   Inferior-to-Superior
file_type       NIFTI-1+
file_code       1
descrip         2203.12-dirty 2024-02-01T16:17:47+00:00

Hi @mathinbio, that looks reasonable. Can you share some screenshots of preprocessed_image_path just before calling flirt? Something like this would be useful:

fsleyes render -of screenshot.png -slightbox -zr 0 1  -sz 1500 1500 <imagefile>

I have an error carrying out the above command, something about OSMesa. Anyway will the ones below work?
Before flirt:

It looks like brain extraction hasn’t performed well for this image - there is a good chance that this is what is causing the flirt failure. You may need to adjust the bet parameters on a per-subject basis, or use a different tool for brain extraction (e.g. SynthStrip seems to be a popular choice these days).

Hi @paulmccarthy, it works well for the few images I tried it on, thanks! Will run it on the whole dataset and will give an update.

Hi @paulmccarthy, unfortunately still for some images this happens:


I also upload the header of said image pre flirt.

sizeof_hdr      348
data_type       FLOAT32
dim0            3
dim1            146
dim2            256
dim3            181
dim4            1
dim5            1
dim6            1
dim7            1
vox_units       mm
time_units      s
datatype        16
nbyper          4
bitpix          32
pixdim0         -1.000000
pixdim1         1.200000
pixdim2         0.937504
pixdim3         0.937501
pixdim4         0.000000
pixdim5         1.000000
pixdim6         1.000000
pixdim7         1.000000
vox_offset      352
cal_max         0.000000
cal_min         0.000000
scl_slope       1.000000
scl_inter       0.000000
phase_dim       0
freq_dim        0
slice_dim       0
slice_name      Unknown
slice_code      0
slice_start     0
slice_end       0
slice_duration  0.000000
toffset         0.000000
intent          Unknown
intent_code     0
intent_p1       0.000000
intent_p2       0.000000
intent_p3       0.000000
qform_name      Scanner Anat
qform_code      1
qto_xyz:1       -1.199408 0.027438 -0.010734 85.375122 
qto_xyz:2       0.035118 0.937103 0.000315 -96.194366 
qto_xyz:3       -0.013746 -0.000000 0.937439 -56.546322 
qto_xyz:4       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 
qform_xorient   Right-to-Left
qform_yorient   Posterior-to-Anterior
qform_zorient   Inferior-to-Superior
sform_name      Scanner Anat
sform_code      1
sto_xyz:1       -1.199408 0.027438 -0.010729 85.375122 
sto_xyz:2       0.035118 0.937103 0.000315 -96.194366 
sto_xyz:3       -0.013739 0.000000 0.937439 -56.546322 
sto_xyz:4       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 
sform_xorient   Right-to-Left
sform_yorient   Posterior-to-Anterior
sform_zorient   Inferior-to-Superior
file_type       NIFTI-1+
file_code       1
descrip         2203.12-dirty 2024-02-01T16:17:47+00:00

This is the MNI152 template I’m using. Potentially the problem?

Would you be able to share one of your problematic images, along with the MNI152 template?