I have some transformations calculated using a combination of FSL and ANTs. They have been merged into one final warp interpretable to FSL (using wb_command -convert-warpfield). This transformation contains some warps and affine transformations. I would like to convert it to itk (ants interpretable), .h5 to be more precise. Is there any possibility to do this? Thanks in advance.
I am having the same issue here. I am trying to convert a warpfield generated by FNIRT to a ANTs readable format (as you suggested, .h5 file could be a way to go), but using wb_command -convert-warpfield -from-fnirt {input} {source} -to-itk {output} generates a .nii.gz file, which ANTs is not able to recognise.
In my case I am using the antsApplyTransforms command, where I would like to include the file I am trying to convert as a --transform file to perform a registration. The following exception is raised:
Transform reader for {path_to_file}/non-linear_warp-coeffs_postt1w_to_pret1w_ants_format.nii.gz caught an ITK exception:
itk::ExceptionObject (0x5f0bab1ac440)
Location: "unknown"
File: /home/runner/work/_temp/build/ITKv5/Modules/IO/TransformBase/src/itkTransformFileReader.cxx
Line: 128
Description: ITK ERROR: TransformFileReaderTemplate(0x5f0bab1c5790): Could not create Transform IO object for reading file {path_to_file}/non-linear_warp-coeffs_postt1w_to_pret1w_ants_format.nii.gz
Tried to create one of the following:
You probably failed to set a file suffix, or
set the suffix to an unsupported type.
I have found that the c3d_affine_tool is useful in certain cases similar to this one, but as these warpfields refer to non-linear transformations, affine matrices are not the way to go here.
I am not able to use ConvertTransformFile either, as there is no way that ANTs understands this .nii.gz file that the Connectome Workbench is giving me as an output. I am reviving this topic as it was very difficult for me to find another ongoing thread here or elsewhere dealing with this same issue. I hope you can remember/recollect any useful information/scripts that you were using at that time and give me a hand :). Thank you in advance,
Hi @cookpa , I was finally able to work around it creating the registration files directly with ANTs. Either way, I would be interested in solving this problem.
So printing the header from the file giving the problem gives an error by PrintHeader, as it cannot read the file. However, I hereby paste the information printed by PrintHeader from the input file for the wb_command command:
I’m not sure how wb_command works, but I think the image you have here is fnirt coefficients, not displacement vectors. I can tell by the intent code (2007) and the low resolution of the image (spacing=10mm). I don’t know if wb_command can handle these or if it needs a displacement field, which you’d get with --fout=warpfield.nii.gz in fnirt