Giving Tuesday: Support INCF’s mission to push global neuroscience further and faster

:blue_heart: It’s Giving Tuesday :blue_heart:

We’re grateful to our community and happy that you find our services useful!

You can help up keep these resources open and free of charge by supporting the continued development and maintenance of Neurostars by:

  • becoming a member
  • making a donation
  • donating a membership to someone else

Neurological diseases are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide. While neuroinformatics, standards, and interoperability perhaps sound far removed from finding cures and treatments to neurological diseases, they are much more connected than commonly perceived: a major barrier to progress in neuroscience research is that it’s time-consuming and expensive. FAIR and open initiatives remove barriers in neuroscience research & speed discovery :brain:

:clapper: Hear from INCF co-director Helena Ledmyr
:sparkles: Support INCF today
:fountain_pen: Become a member
:page_facing_up: Learn more

Thanks for supporting INCF and open neuroscience!