Glasser Atlas Centroid Coordinates Issue with NetplotBrain

I am trying to use the NetPlotBrain library to plot the Dorsal Attention Network in the Glasser Atlas. However, the MNI coordinates seem to be plotting incorrectly on the library’s tools. Here’s what the plot is using, and I am using the Glasser360 atlas (glasser360MNI.nii.gz, from GitHub) in this link:

This is what the plot looks like:

Does anyone know what to do for this?

Same issue, i am trying to plot using brainconn r package. I have tried to extract the centroid coordinates with afni, fsl and nibabel but all bring similar results. Nibabel from python seems more less right except that node index don’t seem to correspond to the rois as defined. Have you find a solution yet?

For what it is worth, I downloaded the NIFTI file from that GitHub repo, and just by trying to display the header information, it seems like there was some badness with it. This is the result of just running nifti_tool on it to display the header:

nifti_tool -disp_hdr -infiles ./glasser360MNI.nii.gz 
** nifti_header_version: bad sizeof_hdr = 168430090
** ./glasser360MNI.nii.gz: bad nifti header version -1
** resetting invalid NIFTI version to 1

N-1 header file './glasser360MNI.nii.gz', num_fields = 43

all fields:
  name                offset  nvals  values
  ------------------- ------  -----  ------
  sizeof_hdr             0      1    168430090
  data_type              4     10    

  db_name               14     18    E html>
  extents               32      1    574449518
  session_error         36      1    28261
  regular               38      1    "
  dim_info              39      1    10
  dim                   40      8    8224 8202 25632 29793 11617 28515 28524 11634
  intent_p1             56      1    67422187560263187693568.0
  intent_p2             60      1    285390924808294370932219015331840.000000
  intent_p3             64      1    0.0
  intent_code           68      1    24932
  datatype              70      1    24948
  bitpix                72      1    27693
  slice_start           74      1    26473
  pixdim                76      8    54969992417568985412357389811712.000000 70066966973833157804032.0 17841761196303659340660736.000000 0.0 71429295009271352534213830115328.000000 263070471475639091200.0 54958899314248201575050285940736.000000 70066966973833157804032.0
  vox_offset           108      1    263020298561040416768.0
  scl_slope            112      1    0.0
  scl_inter            116      1    263010781188390387712.0
  slice_end            120      1    24948
  slice_code           122      1    45
  xyzt_units           123      1    97
  cal_max              124      1    0.0
  cal_min              128      1    4515215449879990536104837120.000000
  slice_duration       132      1    16930761507442511577088.0
  toffset              136      1    273716066201068634112.0
  glmax                140      1    1030972775
  glmin                144      1    1937339170
  descrip              148     80    tem" data-a11y-link-underlines="true"

    <meta charset="utf-
  aux_file             228     24    8">
  <link rel="dns-pre
  qform_code           252      1    25958
  sform_code           254      1    25460
  quatern_b            256      1    3024853282189717213806592.000000
  quatern_c            260      1    0.056249
  quatern_d            264      1    77455596791919140629456164487168.000000
  qoffset_x            268      1    0.0
  qoffset_y            272      1    73968382565394844355782416269312.000000
  qoffset_z            276      1    0.0
  srow_x               280      4    4616807007520475366555648.000000 17856807540992862686895857991680.000000 19363068665941709907121017978880.000000 4630426139518845732324900864.000000
  srow_y               296      4    0.0 17849401607114688915570688.000000 3177438470043333886632450326528.000000 0.0
  srow_z               312      4    0.0 270883230963020972687360.0 4296497166963830408871936.000000 4597719581775369065323332370432.000000
  intent_name          328     16    ef="https://avat
  magic                344      4    ars.

I’m not sure if that is part of the issue or not.

I couldn’t even copy the file:

3dcopy glasser360MNI.nii.gz tmp2.nii.gz
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_24.2.01 (Nov  7 2024) [64-bit]
** nifti_header_version: bad sizeof_hdr = 168430090
** nifti_image_read: bad nifti im header version -1
** failed to open input 'glasser360MNI.nii.gz' on non-AFNI write
Try including the view of the input dataset glasser360MNI.nii.gz
or use its fullname. That might take care of the error.
