Gradient Distortion Coefficient File

Hi, I’m trying to rune the HCPpipeline on the raw HCPD data. for the PreFresurfer script, I need the gradient coefficient file, where can I find this file?

# Location of Coeffs file or "NONE" to skip
	# GradientDistortionCoeffs="${HCPPIPEDIR_Config}/coeff_SC72C_Skyra.grad"

	# Set to NONE to skip gradient distortion correction

Hi Elise

We use this tag developing-HCP on Neurostars to support the developing Human Connectome Project:

I think your question pertains to the HCP Development project?

If so, these are distinct projects and there may be better channels to find support for the HCPD.

Sorry for any confusion.

Cheers, Sean