Graph theory result intrepretation

Dear All,

I am using conn for fmri analyses .Please help me to interpret the conn results

1)In second level conn analyses (for ROI to ROI).Such table is generated

Analysis Unit Statistic p-unc p-FDR p-FWE
Cluster 1/229 F(1,4) = 562.84 0.000019 0.004001
Cluster 2/229 F(1,4) = 393.07 0.000038 0.004001
Cluster 3/229 F(1,4) = 322.58 0.000056 0.004001
Cluster 4/229 F(1,4) = 289.68 0.000070 0.004001
Cluster 5/229 F(1,4) = 134.45 0.000316 0.009929
Cluster 6/229 F(1,4) = 127.57 0.000350 0.009929
Cluster 7/229 F(1,4) = 123.83 0.000371 0.009929
Cluster 8/229 F(1,4) = 118.08 0.000407 0.009929

2)In second level analyses : Graph theory data


3)Also help me to interpret the above data generated .After getting the adjacent matrix data i need to know more on it.Attached excel file which I got from the above analysis.I have a lot of queries in interpreting the excel file which I got.(Attached excel file-data3.csv)

Can you please help me with the above queries or please suggest me whom to write mail for getting help in conn results analyses part.

Please help me to understand the data generated.

Thanks and Regards,

Mrs.Deepa Nath

Pune India

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