GroupICA: whole brain or gray matter?

canICA uses a template, [MultiNiftiMasker(Nilearn: Statistical Analysis for NeuroImaging in Python — Machine learning for NeuroImaging), to mask the brain. It has multiple masking techniques:

The strategy used to compute the mask:

  • ‘background’: Use this option if your images present a clear homogeneous background.

  • ‘epi’: Use this option if your images are raw EPI images

  • ‘whole-brain-template’: This will extract the whole-brain part of your data by resampling the MNI152 brain mask for your data’s field of view.

  • ‘gm-template’: This will extract the gray matter part of your data by resampling the corresponding MNI152 template for your data’s field of view.

  • ‘wm-template’: This will extract the white matter part of your data by resampling the corresponding MNI152 template for your data’s field of view.

  1. What is the difference between background and whole brain? I thought they are the same.
  2. Do you have a use case where a strategy is preferred over the other? More specifically I am interested in when to use the whole-brain and when to use gray matter.