GSoC 2022 Project Idea 16.3: Add more options on DIPY Horizon (350 h)

Extend dipy_horizon workflow by adding more options for the visualization and cleaning of tractograms generated from diffusion MRI data. DIPY Horizon is a workflow that enables to visualize diffusion data such as dMRI, tractograms, white matter bundles, and more from the command line. This project requires students to add support for different types of file formats and visualizations in the horizon workflow. Students will work on adding multiple features to help manual cleaning of streamlines such as select and remove streamlines from a bundle, cut some parts of the bundle and so on.


  • Add region-of-interest (ROI) capacity for streamline filtering in Horizon.
  • Create bundle diagnostics. Eg: given bundle and FA file as input. It should generate bundle profiles, information about total streamline count, average length of the bundle and visualize all this.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Time: Full time

Skills required: Python, OpenGL, VTK

Mentors: Bramsh Qamar Chandio @bramsh , Shreyas Fadnavis @ShreyasFadnavis, and Jong Sung Park @pjsjongsung

Tech keywords: Python, OPenGL, VTK