TVB ( has become a complex tool. It exposes REST services also. We are interested to build, from scratch, a new module, to remotely call TVB web service for importing data into TVB. This tool could also be enhanced into encrypting data before upload, validate it, check BIDS compatibility, etc.
Expected results: A new tvb-* package, ready for Pypi, to be able and call TVB rest services for uploading data into a running tvb-distribution. Unit-tests.
Hi, Iām interested in working on this project idea under GSoC 2022. Can someone guide me in getting started for this? @romina.baila@liadomide
Thanks and Regards
Hi @Akash_Upadhyay.
We are happy to find about your interest in this project.
To get started into this, I recommend:
you try to understand TVB software and few paradigms. One way to do this (not the only way):
ā you download TVB Distribution The Virtual Brain: Software Downloads and run it locally, browse the app, interact
ā you read the GUI manual part of TVB Distribution (not word by word, but at least scan it)
in paralel with the above you read a few times the description of this project, and try to think at every step where and how this new project/module would fit the existing architecture and tools
you strat to scribble your GSOC proposal document
ā we appreciate better proposals where we are asked for feedback early in the process of composing the proposal
ā we can help with refinements on the proposal, suggest emphasis on some aspects
Any issue you might encounter, give us a sign and we try to guide you.