GSoC 2024 Project Idea 15.2 Working on a more consistent visual user interface style and improved user experience. Design an optimal dashboard layout along with other necessary pages. (175 h)

AnalySim is a data sharing and analysis platform that seeks to simplify the visualization of datasets. With Analysim, researchers can collaborate by hosting their data and publishing their analysis notebooks to the world, or browse through multiple user-generated projects.

AnalySim aims to be a data sharing and hosting resource for crowdsourced-analysis of a specific type of dataset: one where many parameter combinations need to be tested and measurements are recorded for each instance. These datasets are very useful in mathematical modeling of natural phenomena, such as in computational neuroscience. We provide easy sharing, analysis, visualization, and collaboration capabilities on these datasets. In this GSoC iteration, we are improving on features developed in the summer of 2023.

Project is still in progress and a demo site is available at:

Source code: GitHub - soft-eng-practicum/AnalySim

Main Technologies: Angular (Typescript), HTML/CSS/Bootstrap, ASP.Net Core (C#), PostgreSQL

Technologies for analysis notebooks: JavaScript (ObservableHQ, D3.js, Vega, Plotly) and Python (Jupyter)

Skill level: intermediate/advanced preferable

Time commitment: Half-time (175 h)

Lead mentor: Anca Doloc-Mihu (

Project website:

Backup mentors: Cengiz Gunay (

Mentor break: Planned break for both mentors due to CNS meeting: June 28 - July 24 still available, but with limited email contact.


Hello Dr. Anca and Dr. Gunay,
I am interested in participating in this project and would like to apply.
I have skills primarily in Java, JavaScript/HTML/CSS, and Python programming languages and have experience working within Angular, Firebase, and AWS technologies.
You can reach me at:
GitHub: TrippBarker (Tripp Barker) · GitHub
Please email me and I will provide a copy of my resume, thank you for your consideration.

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Hello Dr. Anca

I would be interested in joining this project. I have experience with Angular, HTML/CSS and Bootstrap. I can be reached at

Thanks ahead of time,

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Hi @dioddr ,

Thanks for posting. We will reach out to you. In the meantime, can you download and set up the project locally by following the instructions?

Good afternoon Dr. Anca!

I’m interested in joining this project. I’ve worked in HTML/CSS, Javascript and some React. I can send you an email with my resume!

Hi @Cgeorge,
Thanks for your interest. Please go ahead and install Analysim locally by following the instructions. We will contact you soon after to chat about your interests.

One of last year’s GSoC final reports is here to see the latest features:

Also the development version is running at:

Hello Dr. Anca and Dr.Gunay
I am a recent cs graduate with relevant technical skills, exploring open source community, hoping to learn , grow and contribute.


Hi @qudseen Qudseen,
Thanks for your interest. Please go ahead and install Analysim locally by following the instructions. We will contact you soon after to chat about your interests. See post above by @cengique

Hi Dr. Gunay,

Apologies for the late reply, I’ve pulled the project off Github however, I’m having a bit of trouble connecting the SQL and Azure databases to the project.

Hi @dioddr
You need to email us details and screenshots showing the problem so we can help debug.

Hi @adm,

Thanks for the reply, I figured out what was wrong with my set up and it’s running on my machine now.