NetPyNE is a high-level graphical and python scripting interface to NEURON that describes multiscale models of brain neural circuits in a declarative, json-like syntax that can then be simulated in-silico via the NEURON simulator. NetPyNE’s toolkit allows users to declare–within a single framework–interactions between molecules (reaction diffusion modeling), synapses, channels, morphologies, and networks exemplified in our published, publicly available large-scale, biologically realistic models of rodent motor (M1), rodent somatosensory (S1), and macaque auditory (A1) thalamocortical circuits. NetPyNE is used in over 100 published models developed over 40 institutions worldwide, from smaller networks that can be run on user machines to models encompassing 50 million synaptic interactions run on highly parallelized computing centers. NetPyNE additionally integrates with multiple popular neuroscience standards, toolkits and platforms including the NeuroML, SONATA formats, CoreNEURON, LFPykit, HNN, TVB, OSB, EBRAINS, and SciUnit.
To aid in model development, NetPyNE has developed multiple python tools for scalable model tuning within our “batch” subpackage. This subpackage is continually improved upon based on new hardware infrastructures and algorithms and based on end-user needs including model tuning for large multiscale models on increasingly available high powered computing platforms. To this end, part of 2024 will involve research and development into improving the “batch” subpackage and exploring the efficacy of already implemented/ to be implemented AI/ML algorithms in parameter optimization for large scale models, using parameter prediction against our M1, S1 and A1 circuits as algorithm testbenches. Of note, these aims represent larger project aims and can be tailored to the applicant’s background expertise / time constraints/ interest.
- Improving fitness reporting/ data aggregation & visualization for batch automation
- Validating new batch scripts on multiple hardware platforms
- Testbench existing / to be implemented algorithms on tuning large scale models
- Implement new AI/ML algorithms within NetPyNE batch subpackage.
Skill level: Flexible
Required skills: Python; open source software development. Other useful skills: background in computational/theoretical neuroscience and/or modeling experience; experience with NEURON/NMODL/hoc.
Time commitment: Flexible (175/350 h)
Lead mentor: Valery Bragin (, Eugenio Urdapilleta (, James Chen (, Salvador Dura-Bernal (
Project website: TBA (Discuss on Neurostars)
Backup mentors: TBD
Tech keywords: Python, open source, Data Science, Automation, NEURON, NetPyNE