Mentors: Suresh Krishna <> and Oren Gurevitch <>
Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced
Required skills: Fluency with Android/iOS development (with framework of choice, preferably cross-platform). Basic signal processing familiarity preferred
Time commitment: Full time (350 hours)
About: While there are several commercial, closed-source apps to interface with breathing and heart-rate sensors (like SniffLogic and the Polar H10), as well as open-source software to interface with each of them separately, there is an acute need for open-source software to record from both sensors simultaneously and provide a large battery of metrics and algorithms operating on the two time-series.
Aims: The project will develop the first version of an app that uses Bluetooth and/or USB to connect with heart-rate and respiration sensors, calculate metrics of synchronization and variability based on these measurements and implement a biofeedback protocol to control this variability. This will allow the study of autonomic nervous function, and will allow biofeedback protocols for mood and health intervention to be implemented via live tracking of breathing and heart-rate. Future work can interface with consumer EEG devices like the Muse.
Tech keywords: App development, biofeedback, mood intervention, health ML/AI