GSoC 2025 Project Idea #1 Cloud deployment and Fullstack Development for NiiVue (350h)

Mentors: Chris Rorden, Chris Drake, Taylor Hanayik , Paul Wighton

Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced

Required skills: JavaScript, Python, Docker; familiarity with neuroimaging tools (AFNI, FSL, FreeSurfer) would be beneficial

Time commitment: Full time (350 hours)

Forum for discussion

About: NiiVue is a web-based visualization tool for neuroimaging data, supporting voxels, meshes, connectomes, and streamlines. It is widely used in cloud-based platforms (e.g., OpenNeuro), edge applications (e.g., Brainchop), and desktop environments (e.g., iOS and macOS App Store). Development has benefited from collaboration with teams from AFNI, Brainlife, FreeSurfer, and FSL. The emerging ipyniivue wrapper is extending NiiVue’s functionality into Jupyter notebooks.

Aims: While NiiVue is already used in cloud applications, there is a lack of clear demonstration projects and documentation for deploying neuroimaging workflows in a full-stack environment. This project will address this gap by extending the Fullstack Niivue repository with additional functionality, enabling backend neuroimaging developers to create cloud-based applications. The goal is to provide a minimal yet powerful demo and clear documentation that allows developers to use a standardized framework for their own solutions.

Website: GitHub - niivue/niivue: a WebGL2 based medical image viewer. Supports over 30 formats of volumes and meshes.

Prototype Project: GitHub - niivue/fullstack-niivue-demo

Pre-GSoC activities: Follow the Contributor Guide to make first contact. Get involved with the NiiVue issues and community.

Tech keywords: JavaScript, WebGL, Python, Docker, Cloud Deployment


Hello Team Niivue,

I’m Shruti Varade, a graduate student from the University of Massachusetts, Boston. I had the opportunity to work with the Niivue library (Cloud Platform - Open Neuro) for my project, Boostlet.js, in collaboration with Professor Daniel Haehn. It was my pleasure to present this project at the Niivue Hackathon when we met at the University of South Carolina in November 2023.

I’m really excited about the possibility of contributing to the development of a cloud-based full-stack environment for neuroimaging workflows as part of GSoc 2025. I’d love to learn more about the project details and discuss how I can help meet its goals.

Looking forward to our conversation!

Thanks, and regards,
Shruti Varade

Hello Team Niivue,

I’m Rahul, a full-stack developer with experience in JavaScript, Python, Docker, and cloud deployment. I have worked extensively with the MERN stack and built scalable applications in the cloud.

I am really excited about the Cloud Deployment and Fullstack Development for NiiVue project and would love to contribute to this initiative. To get started, I’d like to explore some beginner-friendly issues, understand the existing deployment architecture, and contribute to the documentation and codebase.

Could you suggest some good first issues or resources to help me get started? Looking forward to collaborating with the community!

Rahul Chaudhary