Mentors: Chris Rorden, Chris Drake, Taylor Hanayik , Paul Wighton
Skill level: Intermediate to Advanced
Required skills: JavaScript, Python, Docker; familiarity with neuroimaging tools (AFNI, FSL, FreeSurfer) would be beneficial
Time commitment: Full time (350 hours)
About: NiiVue is a web-based visualization tool for neuroimaging data, supporting voxels, meshes, connectomes, and streamlines. It is widely used in cloud-based platforms (e.g., OpenNeuro), edge applications (e.g., Brainchop), and desktop environments (e.g., iOS and macOS App Store). Development has benefited from collaboration with teams from AFNI, Brainlife, FreeSurfer, and FSL. The emerging ipyniivue wrapper is extending NiiVue’s functionality into Jupyter notebooks.
Aims: While NiiVue is already used in cloud applications, there is a lack of clear demonstration projects and documentation for deploying neuroimaging workflows in a full-stack environment. This project will address this gap by extending the Fullstack Niivue repository with additional functionality, enabling backend neuroimaging developers to create cloud-based applications. The goal is to provide a minimal yet powerful demo and clear documentation that allows developers to use a standardized framework for their own solutions.
Prototype Project: GitHub - niivue/fullstack-niivue-demo
Pre-GSoC activities: Follow the Contributor Guide to make first contact. Get involved with the NiiVue issues and community.
Tech keywords: JavaScript, WebGL, Python, Docker, Cloud Deployment