Hcp data, registering the native T1wDividedByT2w.nii.gz image onto the MNI space

Hi NeuroStars,

do you know, how to bring native HCP images onto MNI?

Thankfully, HCP provides not only native subject images, but also the transformation matrices generated for the nonlinear registration of T1w to MNI.

Now, I’d like to get use of these transformation matrices (xfms/acpc_dc2standard.nii.gz, xfsm/NonlinearRegJacobians.nii.gz and xfsm/standard2acpc_dc.nii.gz) to register the native T1wDividedByT2w.nii.gz image onto MNI.

Any suggestion is appreciated!

Thanks a lot.

Hi all,
hiere is the answer from HCP-mailing list:

$ wb_command -volume-warpfield-resample T1wDividedByT2w.nii.gz /xfms/acpc_dc2standard.nii.gz MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz ENCLOSING_VOXEL T1wDividedByT2w_mni.nii.gz -fnirt T1w_acpc_dc.nii.gz

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