Hello, I am trying to run my heudiconv but I noticed we had a recent software update where the dcm files are automatically binned into different folders (localizer, structural, functional) rather than having all of the dcm files dumped into one folder. I noticed the file names were also named 1.dcm, 2.dcm, 3.dcm uniformally for each folder so I cannot extract them from their original folder and dump it to a large one since it’ll just overwrite due to the repeated file names. Is there a way to solve this for heudiconv?
Hi @syoun,
Heudiconv I think can look recursively in multiple levels of folders. You can also make symlinks/shortcuts of the dicoms to a single folder, renaming the files as you make the links/shortcuts to avoid naming issues.
Hello Steven,
Thank you so much for the quick reply! Can I rename the shortcuts as any name or will it require a certain prompt for heudiconv for to know what file will be the structural and the functional? As you can tell, I am pretty new to this and I apologize if this question seems obvious. I am trying to create my own heuristic and then run the conversion.
Hi @syoun,
As long as your heuristic is based on the metadata and not the filenames themselves you can name them whatever.