Heudiconv not creating participants.tsv

Is there a direct reason heudiconv would not create the participants.tsv file? (for reference I have successfully run the command and gotten the files before but for some reason it is not creating them now, only the defined files in the heuristic file are being made, and I have not changed any command)

singularity exec -B /:/test /projects/niblab/bids_projects/Singularity_Containers/heudiconv.simg heudiconv -d MYINPUT -f /test/projects/niblab/bids_projects/Heuristic_Files/test_heuristic.py -c dcm2niix -o MYOUTPUT -s sub-065 -ss 1

Solution for me was to include “-b --overwrite” at the end of the command.

just to confirm that --bids (short version -b) is the critical option here, since participants.tsv is part of the BIDS convention.