How do I export a list of outliers in conn toolbox?

Hi neuroimagers,

I am currently checking the first level analysis of dynamic functional connectivity data and i am wondering if there is a way to export a file with a report of the slides that are considered outliers in the art_screenshot.jpg document that the CONN toolbox generates automatically

My aim with this is to check how many percentage of slices from the total number of the sequence are outliers so that i can decide if exclude those participants from the analysis

Thank you so much!


When running the outlier identification preprocessing step CONN will generate a few Quality Control variables encoding exactly that information, and it will place these in your project Setup.Covariates (2nd-level) tab. In particular QC_ValidScans will contain the number of valid (non-outlier) scans/timepoints for each subject, QC_InvalidScans the number of invalid (outlier) scans/timepoints, and QC_ProportionValidScans the proportion of valid scans/timepoints (among the total number of scans/timepoints) for each subject.

Hope this helps
