How non-aggressive denoising can be manually performed for CIFTI output?

Hi all,

 How non-aggressive denoising can be manually performed for CIFTI output, like 
        "Additionally, the MELODIC mix and noise component indices will be generated, so non- 
         aggressive denoising can be manually performed in the T1w space with fsl_regfilt, e.g.:

        fsl_regfilt -i sub-<subject_label>_task-<task_id>_space-T1w_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz \
            -f $(cat sub-<subject_label>_task-<task_id>_AROMAnoiseICs.csv) \
            -d sub-<subject_label>_task-<task_id>_desc-MELODIC_mixing.tsv \
            -o sub-<subject_label>_task-<task_id>_space-T1w_desc-AROMAnonaggr_bold.nii.gz"

Any suggestions would be appreciated!