I have a parcellated ROI mask (i.e. not voxel-wise values, but region-wise values with either 1s or 0s) that I would like to decode using nimare. I am a little bit unsure about how I should interpret the results of nimare.decode.discrete.ROIAssociationDecoder
. There seems to be some documentation on it but I thought someone from the nimare team could explain one more time what the resulting r-values mean? I don’t want to do something wrong here.
Here’s some example code that just uses the dorsal attential network of the Yeo-atlas as input:
import nimare
from nilearn import datasets
from nilearn.image import load_img
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from nilearn.plotting import plot_roi
from nilearn.image import new_img_like
# load the schaefer atlas
atlas_schaefer = datasets.fetch_atlas_schaefer_2018()
atlas_labels = [byte.decode('utf-8') for byte in atlas_schaefer['labels']]
atlas_img = load_img(atlas_schaefer['maps'])
# generate an artificial (parcellated) ROI mask by subsetting to only one Yeo-Network
atlas_labels_df = pd.DataFrame({'label':atlas_labels})
atlas_labels_df['label_idx'] = range(1, len(atlas_labels_df) + 1)
roi_idxs = atlas_labels_df.loc[atlas_labels_df['label'].str.contains('DorsAttn'),'label_idx']
rois = np.isin(atlas_img.get_fdata(),roi_idxs).astype(int)
roi_img = new_img_like(atlas_img,rois)
# get neurosynth data (Note: This can take a while!)
databases = nimare.extract.fetch_neurosynth(data_dir='../data')[0]
# convert to NiMARE dataset (Note: This can take a while!)
ds = nimare.io.convert_neurosynth_to_dataset(
# decode ROI image (Note: This can take a while!)
# See: https://nimare.readthedocs.io/en/latest/decoding.html#discrete-decoding
decoder = nimare.decode.discrete.ROIAssociationDecoder(roi_img)
decoded_df = decoder.transform()
The output from the last line of code gives us:
terms_abstract_tfidf__aberrant -0.038360
terms_abstract_tfidf__abilities 0.011698
terms_abstract_tfidf__ability 0.007748
terms_abstract_tfidf__able 0.013689
terms_abstract_tfidf__abnormal -0.053229
terms_abstract_tfidf__abnormalities -0.063950
terms_abstract_tfidf__abnormality -0.025151
terms_abstract_tfidf__absence -0.010446
terms_abstract_tfidf__absent 0.018008
terms_abstract_tfidf__abstract 0.030507
terms_abstract_tfidf__abuse -0.019701
terms_abstract_tfidf__acc -0.026439
terms_abstract_tfidf__access 0.002581
terms_abstract_tfidf__accompanied -0.001844
terms_abstract_tfidf__accordance -0.011592
terms_abstract_tfidf__according 0.016201
terms_abstract_tfidf__accordingly -0.002407
terms_abstract_tfidf__account -0.006491
terms_abstract_tfidf__accounted -0.011223
terms_abstract_tfidf__accounts -0.009894
How would I intuitively interpret the correlation values? Is there a reason why nimare doesn’t output corresponding p-values?