Basically I want 25 axial slices in (5,5) grid I explored almost all options but could not find the one which organizes 25 slices in (5,5) grid I have also attached the saved image of 25 slices as you can see is a single row. May I please get some guidance on how can I get it (5,5) grid 25 axial slices specifically?
plotting.plot_anat(nifti_obj,display_mode='z',output_file="test.png", cut_coords=25)
I think you will need to create the figure and axes yourself, for example with pyplot.subplots
, then plot the slices one by one, each time specifying the axes with the axes
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from nilearn import datasets, plotting
img = datasets.load_mni152_template()
n_rows, n_cols = 5, 5
all_coords = plotting.find_cut_slices(
img, direction="z", n_cuts=n_rows * n_cols
ax_size = 2.0
margin = 0.05
fig, all_axes = plt.subplots(
figsize=(n_rows * ax_size, n_cols * ax_size),
gridspec_kw={"hspace": margin, "wspace": margin},
left_right = True
for coord, ax in zip(all_coords, all_axes.ravel()):
display = plotting.plot_anat(
img, cut_coords=[coord], display_mode="z", axes=ax, annotate=False
# only show L R on the first (top left) axis
left_right = False
plt.savefig("mni_slices.png", bbox_inches="tight")
Thank you @jeromedockes really appreciate it I understand what you are doing here really helpful
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