How to perform distortion correction of dMRI using FSL TOPUP?

Dear Neurostars group,

We have a question on distortion correction of DTI using nipype FSL TOPUP.
For that we need original image data and reversed data which is acquired with opposite phase encoding direction.

How to generate the phase encoded parameters as text file which is used to perform distortion correction. We don’t have the parameters text file and the reversed image data. In such case how can we perform TOPUP.

Kindly provide your inputs and guidance.

Thanks a lot.

Hi @Sunita_Patel,

Without a reverse phase-encoded image you will not be able to use TOPUP. If you do not have a fieldmap (either a reverse phase encoded image or the two magnitude + phasediff) you could try using Synb0-Disco (GitHub - MASILab/Synb0-DISCO: Distortion correction of diffusion weighted MRI without reverse phase-encoding scans or field-maps).


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