I have some results obtained using as an atlas the AAL 90 region atlas.
I want to plot my results or let’s say the AAL atlas on the FSL 32k surface. Here is an example of the desired plot I am trying to make.
In theory, if I have a vector with size 32k that encodes values for the 32k vertices in the FSL surface that would be enough.
I have found this 32k vector with values for the Schaefer atlas but I have no clue how to modify it to make it match my AAL. In theory, I need to build a 32k vector with values in the range 1 to 90 for my AAL atlas.
Is there a way to do that? Is there a 32k vector for the AAL atlas? Is there a correspondence between the AAL atlas and the Schaefer atlas?
Also I think vol_to_surf will project the image onto the surface but will not put it in the same space so first you also need to make sure that your atlas is in the correct space. Nilearn does not provide registration tooling.