ImportError: cannot import name 'decay'

Hello everyone,

I am new to tedana and am trying to run a preliminary test on ME rsfMRI data to make sure that I installed it properly. I have tedana version 0.0.10

I am getting the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “tedana-main/tedana/workflows/”, line 22, in
from tedana import (decay, combine, decomposition, io, metrics,
File “/home/corinna/bin/tedana-main/tedana/workflows/”, line 22, in
from tedana import (decay, combine, decomposition, io, metrics,
ImportError: cannot import name ‘decay’

According to the output from ‘pip3 list’ all the package dependencies listed in ‘installation.rst’ are installed.
Here is my command: tedana-main/tedana/workflows/ -d {path_to_file}/echo1.nii {path_to_file}/echo2.nii {path_to_file}/echo3.nii -e 20 38.97 57.94 --out-dir {path_to_file}/MB3_ME3_2.5mm/

Any thoughts?


When you install the package, it should add tedana and t2smap as command-line arguments. Can you try running the workflow without the path? E.g.,

tedana -d {path_to_file}/echo1.nii {path_to_file}/echo2.nii {path_to_file}/echo3.nii -e 20 38.97 57.94 --out-dir {path_to_file}/MB3_ME3_2.5mm/

Ah yes! that is working. Thanks.