INCF/OCNS Dev session: GeNN (March 9, 2021 at 1700 UTC)

Hi everyone,

The INCF/OCNS Software Working Group (WG) is happy to announce the next “Dev session” on the GeNN framework where @jamie and @tnowotny will introduce the software and then discuss its development pipeline.

The session will be held on March 9, 2021 at 1700 UTC via Zoom:

More information on the session can be found here:

The aim of these sessions is to stimulate discussion of the development practices and tools used by different teams to improve the software we use while also improving our knowledge of these practices and tools. We also hope to encourage more users of these tools to contribute to their development to ensure their longevity.

If you develop software for neuroscience, we would love to hear about your development pipeline. Please get in touch with the Software WG here on Neurostars or on our GitHub repository.

The WG is a community based group that is open to everyone at all levels of their careers (academic or otherwise). Please introduce yourself to the community on our channels to get involved.