Incompatibility between fMRIPrep output surf.gii and bold.func.gii

I am trying to visualice the data I got from fMRIPrep in the same subject mesh surf.gii but my mesh even though I use the output as fsaverage5 the bold one has the correct quantity of vertices and triangles but my surf.gii has a lot of vertices (241394) and triangles compare to the standard fsaverage5. How can I visualice my data in this mesh or convert the mesh to fsaverage5.

Thank you,

Hi @jcamilosanchezs, and welcome to neurostars!

Did you look at the fsaverage folder in your templateflow cache? /PATH/TO/templateflow/tpl-fsaverage/?


The anatomical .surf.gii files are in the subject’s space, which we call “fsnative”. As @Steven says, you should be able to visualize space-fsaverage5 surface data on top of fsaverage5 surfaces, such as found in templateflow or in the FreeSurfer distribution.

Thank you so much for your answers @Steven @effigies.

So you both mean in the freesurfer outputs not in the subject ones but in the ones of the fsaverage5, and there I look for e.g the inflated and I can graph the subject’s bold?