Installing shell/git on Windows

Hi ABCD-ReproNim folks! There’s a question on the Week 2 Q&A Doc about installing shell and git on Windows:

“I have a PC/Windows computer and keep getting errors when I try to install shell and git”

This question may benefit from a bit of back and forth so I’m creating a topic where people with experience working with shell/git on a Windows platform can weigh in to help those experiencing issues. Our recommendation is to access the Terminal application by downloading Ubuntu for Windows. Feel free to comment with the issues you’re experiencing here and lets start a discussion.

FWIW, I used gitBash on Windows as well as an Ubuntu VM through Virtualbox. To get the man page for a particular command in gitBash, it seems you need to use command --help as opposed to man command. Perhaps predictably, the content for these man pages was not identical, which led to differing counts of strings therein.