Invitation to apply: Transatlantic Behavioural Neuroscience Summer School, Sept 9-20th 2024, Poland


We are extending the application deadline for Transatlantic Behavioural Summer School till February 25th! If you have any questions regarding the school, feel free to contact any of Nencki Open Lab members Team – Nencki Open Lab .

During our school you will learn how to deliver stimuli or modify the environment in which the animal is embedded with Arduino-based devices and Bonsai code; you will design and 3D-print cases and holders for your instruments. And then you will apply cutting-edge tools: Deeplabcut, keypoint-MoSeq, and CEBRA – to extract as much information as possible from your data.

But that’s not everything. At TBNSS you will listen to fascinating lectures and interact with speakers, who explored bold ideas and made their unique career paths. You will look at what behavior is through many lenses. Most importantly though, you will meet people with similar interests and goals. And you may become a part of our global Open Lab community, and help us to spread the knowledge further!

More information and the application form can be found here - Nencki Open Lab. The fee is EUR 900, but we have secured funding for fee waivers and travel grants if needed.

With best wishes,