Is ADNI data available in BIDS format?

Hi all,

I am looking for ADNI data in BIDS format. I was wondering if it is available somewhere or if anyone has already converted it?



The ADNI data is only available after making a request to the ADNI group and agreeing to the rules, a big one being that the ADNI data is only available after making a request to the ADNI group and agreeing to the rules. Thus 3rd party redistribution of ADNI data is forbidden.You should apply for ADNI access through LONI, download from LONI, and then use a BIDS converter.

Best wishes,


@captainnova is correct, you must download the images from ADNI. Having said that, tools like ADNI2BIDS can ease the conversion of the ADNI datasets to BIDS format. It is able to rectify some of the quirks seen in the ADNI datasets.

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