Issue with Importing fMRIPrep Data in CONN: MNI152NLin2009cAsym vs MNIPediatricAsym Templates

Dear all,

I am encountering an issue while importing preprocessed data into the CONN toolbox. During preprocessing with fmriprep, I had participants from different age groups, and as a result, some of the participants’ data were resampled to the MNI152NLin2009cAsym template, while others were resampled to the MNIPediatricAsym template.

When I attempt to import the dataset into CONN by selecting “Project-New (import)-from fMRIPrep dataset,” I noticed that CONN toolbox only recognizes participants whose data were resampled to the MNI152NLin2009cAsym template. The participants resampled to the MNIPediatricAsym template are not being recognized by CONN. The majority of my participants have been processed using the MNIPediatricAsym template.

Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue so that all participants, regardless of the template used, can be recognized and imported properly into CONN? Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Huiying Deng

Hi @Huiying_Deng and welcome to neurostars!

CONN is hard-coded to automatically import the default MNI space. You would either have to manually import the data or rename the pediatric data to the default name.

That being said, I wouldn’t use two spaces in a single study, at least for something like CONN where your second level GLMs presume everything is in the same space.


Hi Steven,

Thank you for your prompt response!

Actually, I have a total of 176 participants, and only 5 participants (aged 18 and above) were processed using the MNI152NLin2009cAsym template. The remaining participants were processed using the MNIPediatricAsym template. Based on your advice, I am considering removing the 5 participants who used MNI152NLin2009cAsym from my analysis.

If I rename the files of the remaining participants (for example, renaming sub-NDARAF440XWG_task-rest_run-2_space-MNIPediatricAsym_cohort-1_res-2_desc-preproc_bold.nii to sub-NDARAF440XWG_task-rest_run-2_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_cohort-1_res-2_desc-preproc_bold.nii), will this have any impact on the subsequent analysis? Additionally, will participants processed using the MNIPediatricAsym template still be able to proceed with functional connectivity analysis in CONN?

I originally planned to use XCP-D for subsequent processing, but I found that XCP-D doesn’t seem to support input data processed with the MNIPediatricAsym template either (Get XCP-D compatible with MNIPediatricAsym spaces · Issue #984 · PennLINC/xcp_d · GitHub). Would it be possible to rename the files and then proceed with subsequent analysis in XCP-D?

I appreciate your insights and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Huiying Deng

Hi @Huiying_Deng,

You might need to also remove the cohort and res labels, and do the same for anatomical as well. For XCP-D it may not work because the atlases used in that presume either the fmriprep or fsl MNI space. So the transformation of atlases to subject space may not proceed well even if you do rename it.


Hi Steven,

Thank you so much for your helpful suggestions and insights! I truly appreciate your guidance on this issue.

Huiying Deng

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