Low resolution registration of functional data to different spaces

Hi all,

I am trying to register bold volumes to the T2W and template space in order to apply different techniques for rs-functional analysis. While doing so, I intend to always keep the resolution of the bold images, since this would reduce computing time and provide more faithful results.

When I applied the affine transform from-bold-to-T2W.mat, with the first bold volume as reference image, I got a small offset in both the z and y axis (not sure why y as well, since it should have identical FOV as the x axis). These were due to the difference in field of view and voxel size between the bold and T2W spaces, so I was able to correct for it by modifying the last column of from-bold-to-T2W.mat.

Now, I have the same problem while trying to register the bold images to the template space. The warp from-bold-to-template.nii.gz works perfectly when using the atlas as the reference image, but I get a very big offset when trying to use the low resolution image as reference. The problem being that now I can’t easily modify the transform to account for that FOV offset. I tried using my modified affine transform as the --premat argument in fnirt while using from-T2W-to-template.nii.gz as the non-linear transform, but that didn’t work for some reason.

An alternative (and the best?) course of action would be to down-sample the result of each registration after using the high resolution as the reference image, but I was not able to do that. I only found help on FSL’s mailing list about down-sampling to isotropic resolutions with the -applyisoxfm option in flirt. I would be grateful if someone could point me in the direction of a non-isotropic down-sampling that will work with the functional images of the developing-hcp dataset.

I would greatly appreciate any kind of guidance that you could provide me in this regard, even if it’s not an actual solution. Thank you!

Hi @diegoder

The best approach would be to downsample the reference image (T2w or template), then use the original transform but with the downsampled reference to resample the bold.

I would do the downsampling with -applyisoxfm in flirt because the original bold is very nearly isotropic anyway.

I could post some example code if this does not make sense?

Cheers, Sean

Hi Sean,

Thank you very much for your answer. I think I understand you correctly, I would need to do as follows:

flirt -in sub-*_desc-restore_T2w.nii.gz -applyisoxfm 2.16418 -ref sub-*_desc-restore_T2w.nii.gz -out downsampled_sub-*_desc-restore_T2w.nii.gz

flirt -in sub-*_task-rest_desc-preproc_space-bold.nii.gz -ref downsampled_sub-*_desc-restore_T2w.nii.gz -init /xfm/sub-*_from-bold_to-T2w_mode-image.mat -applyxfm -out sub-*_task-rest_desc-preproc_space-T2w.gz

flirt -in dhcp-volumetric-atlas-groupwise/mean/ga_40/template_t2.nii.gz -applyisoxfm 2.16418 -ref dhcp-volumetric-atlas-groupwise/mean/ga_40/template_t2.nii.gz -out dhcp-volumetric-atlas-groupwise/mean/ga_40/downsampled_template_t2.nii.gz

applywarp -i sub-*_task-rest_desc-preproc_space-bold -r dhcp-volumetric-atlas-groupwise/mean/ga_40/downsampled_template_t2.nii.gz -w /xfm/sub*_from-bold_to-template40wk_mode-image.nii.gz -o sub-*_task-rest_desc-preproc_space-template.nii.gz

Is that right? The thing I am least sure about is linearly downsampling the template, do you think that ought to work? (Disregarding that I may introduce distortions because of it not being perfectly isotropic).


Hi Diego

That looks mostly correct.

I am not certain, but you may have to add an xfm to your flirt -applyisoxfm calls. You can just use the identity matrix supplied with FSL as the xfm -init $FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat.


flirt -in sub-*_desc-restore_T2w.nii.gz -applyisoxfm 2.16418 -ref sub-*_desc-restore_T2w.nii.gz -out downsampled_sub-*_desc-restore_T2w.nii.gz -init $FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat

Does it work?

Cheers, Sean

Hello Sean

It worked even before adding the identity matrix. Thank you very much!


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Hi Diego
I hope you are fine.

This topic was very helpful for me. Thank you.
I have a question that maybe you can help me with.

How did you calculate the number “2.16418” that you used in the -applyisoxfm command for “downsampling of T2W image and 40 week template image”?

Best regards,

Hi Forough,

If I am not mistaken, the documentaton for the 2nd release stated that the multiband EPI sequence had a 2.16418 mm² resolution with a 2.15 mm slice size. However, like Sean wrote here that is nearly isotropic and indeed all subsequent papers from the dHCP team mention a 2.15 mm isotropic voxel size (e.g. Fitzgibbon 2020, Edwards 2022). I have therefore used 2.15 mm isotropic in all my analyses and had good results.


Hi Diego,

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. Your tips are definitely very helpful for me.

So if we use the exact value “2.16418”, will there be any problem?

Best regards,