M-CRIB-S pipeline generating holes in post-processed brain_mask

Summary of what happened:

I have been running the MCRIBS pipeline as a docker to look at the segmentations it produces on some neonatal T2 data. *I have had issues running the source code hence why I have used the docker

Whilst the pipeline has produced a good segmentation for one subject, for quite a few of the others I have been facing a problem; specifically, the brain_mask generated from post-processing of the initial bet_mask contains quite a few holes, which is causing some issues later on in the pipeline during surface inflation.

I wanted to ask if anyone else had experienced this issue before and if so, if there was any way to correct the post-processing of the bet mask to stop this issue, or alternatively if there was a way to force the pipeline to select the initial BET mask instead of the post-processed one, as the initial BET mask produced does not contain these holes.

Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):

sudo docker run   --rm   -it   --mount type=bind,source=/PATH_TO_DATA,target=/work   --mount type=bind,source=PATH_TO_LICENSE,target=/opt/freesurfer-license.txt developmentalimagingmcri/mcribs:latest MCRIBReconAll --all SUBJECT_ID


docker pull developmentalimagingmcri/mcribs:latest

Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):


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