Measurements Pipeline Problems

Hi the measurements pipeline (from amakropoulos) is showing this error when I run it using subject I have downloaded from the dhCP data release. I have saved the folders within the derivatives dir within the dhcp-structural-pipeline dir. I note that there is no ‘native’ dir within the dhcp data release folder tree… is this an issue (given that a native folder is generated by the segmentation pipeline)?

any thoughts? Thank you

gathering volume/surface measurements of subjects…
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-thickness: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-thickness-regions: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-sulc: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-sulc-regions: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-curvature: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-curvature-regions: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-GI: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-GI-regions: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-surface-area: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-surface-area-regions: No such file or directory
cat: /home/tay/Downloads/structural-pipeline-measures-master/reports/workdir/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800/sub-CC00073XX08_ses-27800-rel-surface-area-regions: No such file or directory

Hello @t2784, thanks for the report, I’ll try to have a look at this tomorrow.

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Hi thanks
Happy to provide more info that might help solve this. Kind regards!

Hi again, the measurements pipeline runs on the output of the structural pipeline, not on the data release.

The data release contains some files from the struct pipeline run, though not all, and gives them different, BIDS-compliant names. It’s rather unfortunate :frowning:

You’ll have to run the struct pipeline yourself, then run measure on the output directory from that.

Thank you for your helpful answer, I hope you wont mind a follow up question related to this pipeline.
I have segmented a couple of brains (apparently successfully), and now run the measures pipeline, but the output looks odd. I have copied the csv output, and there are many parameters that are empty, some values are negative, and the volume values dont seem to correspond to those generated by ITK snap. I have attached some corresponding files, and at this link:

Thank you very much for your help with this.

I remember finding the measures pipeline hard to build. Perhaps there is some issue with the versions of the various packages?

We have the binary we use as an image on dockerhub. You could try running that – there are some notes in the README:

Hi John, thank you for your help with this. I feel like I am failing at the final hurdle now!
I ran the segmentation pipeline overnight using docker, and that has worked nicely. However the (docker) measures pipeline is still having an error.
Couple of points:

  1. the readme now wants a ‘gender’ in the participants.tsv, which is a new requirement. I have tried every combination of sequence with subject id etc… if this is something stupid I am doing please let me know
  2. The anat_group_measurements.csv is not created… is that because of point 1? or something else.

Hi @t2784,

were you able to fix the issue with the ‘bad gender’ error?

Thank you!
