Minimal Processing for ABIDE-II


I am new to C-PAC and fMRI data preprocessing. Currently I’m trying to preprocess ABIDE-II to get ROI signals, similar to this one for ABIDE-I: ABIDE Preprocessed

Following documentation here: C-PAC Quickstart - C-PAC 1.8.8.dev1 Beta documentation, I installed all the cpac docker image, and ran the following command:

cpac run s3://fcp-indi/data/Projects/ABIDE2/RawData ./test participant

Then I got this output:

Loading 🐳 Docker
Loading 🐳 fcpindi/c-pac:latest as "joezhao (501)" with these directory bindings:
  local                                      Docker                                     mode
  -----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------  ------
  /etc/passwd                                /etc/passwd                                ro
  /Users/joezhao/.cpac                       /Users/joezhao/.cpac                       rw
  /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep          /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep          rw
  /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/test     /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/test     rw
  /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/log      /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/log      rw
  /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/working  /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/working  rw
  /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/outputs  /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/outputs  rw
Logging messages will refer to the Docker paths.

Skipping bids-validator for S3 datasets...
#### Running C-PAC
Number of participants to run in parallel: 1
Input directory: s3://fcp-indi/data/Projects/ABIDE2/RawData
Output directory: /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/test/output
Working directory: /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/test/working
Log directory: /Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/test/log
Remove working directory: True
Available memory: 1.0 (GB)
Available threads: 1
Number of threads for ANTs: 1
Parsing s3://fcp-indi/data/Projects/ABIDE2/RawData..
Connecting to AWS: fcp-indi anonymously...
gathering files from S3 bucket (s3.Bucket(name='fcp-indi')) for data/Projects/ABIDE2/RawData
Did not find data in s3://fcp-indi/data/Projects/ABIDE2/RawData

How can I use minimal default preprocessing of C-PAC to preprocess ABIDE-II and get ROI time-series?

Any suggestions will be really appreciated!! :slight_smile:

Some more details:

While the log says Did not find data in s3:…, I verified the link with

aws s3 ls fcp-indi/data/Projects/ABIDE2/RawData/

And I got this:

                           PRE ABIDEII-BNI_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-EMC_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-ETHZ_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-GU_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-IP_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-IU_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-KKI_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-KUL_3/
                           PRE ABIDEII-NYU_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-NYU_2/
                           PRE ABIDEII-OHSU_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-ONRC_2/
                           PRE ABIDEII-SDSU_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-TCD_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-UCD_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-UCLA_1/
                           PRE ABIDEII-UCLA_Long/
                           PRE ABIDEII-UPSM_Long/
                           PRE ABIDEII-USM_1/
                           PRE sidecards/

Hi @joe_zhao, could you provide us with the pipeline config you’re using for this run?

There could also be a naming issue occurring here, which could cause the subject folders in RawData to not be pulled in correctly. Can you confirm that the names of these folders are PRE ABIDEII-*, with a space after ‘PRE’? You may need to remove that space in order for the file names to be read in correctly.

Hello @tamsinrogers,

Thanks for your reply and help! I tried this command and it starts running, for one testing site:

cpac run s3://fcp-indi/data/Projects/ABIDE2/RawData/ABIDEII-BNI_1 ./test participant

From the documentation, I think the pipeline I used is the default pre-config pipeline, as I did not specify that arg:

I have another question, how long does it usually take for processing one sample? Currently for sample sub-29006_ses-1, it runs for more than half an hour, and seems it gets stuck at after this log:

241121-09:34:25,378 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "cpac_sub-29006_ses-1.cpac_sub-29006_ses-1.ANTS_T1_to_template_57.anat_mni_ants_register.calc_ants_warp" in "/Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/test/working/pipeline_cpac-default-pipeline/cpac_sub-29006_ses-1/cpac_sub-29006_ses-1/ANTS_T1_to_template_57/anat_mni_ants_register/calc_ants_warp".
241121-09:34:25,427 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Executing "calc_ants_warp" <nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function>
241121-09:53:53,469 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Finished "calc_ants_warp", elapsed time 1167.826321s.
241121-09:53:53,519 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Setting-up "cpac_sub-29006_ses-1.cpac_sub-29006_ses-1.ANTS_T1_to_template_symmetric_78.anat_mni_ants_register_symmetric.calc_ants_warp" in "/Users/joezhao/Desktop/abide-prep/test/working/pipeline_cpac-default-pipeline/cpac_sub-29006_ses-1/cpac_sub-29006_ses-1/ANTS_T1_to_template_symmetric_78/anat_mni_ants_register_symmetric/calc_ants_warp".
241121-09:53:53,545 nipype.workflow INFO:
	 [Node] Executing "calc_ants_warp" <nipype.interfaces.utility.wrappers.Function>

I used default configuration for computation resources:

Available memory: 1.0 (GB)
Available threads: 1
Number of threads for ANTs: 1

Again, thank you very much for your help! :slight_smile:

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The processing for the first sample is done! Processing time is 2 hours.