Does somebody know if there’s a downloadable table for the destrieux atlas a2009s that contains the MNI coordinates for the center of mass for each region? Apparently I am not the first one to ask this:
and apparently I could also just compute them myself using Freesurfer. It just seems unnecessary to do this, if somebody else already did it and could just share the table…
Another option seems to be to use this package:
But again, I wonder if there’s a table that I could download somewhere.
I prefer python, therefore I came up with the following “solution”. Of course I trust the authors from the brainGraph package here. I did not check so far, if I would come to the same solution when computing the coordinates myself using Freesurfer. I also still wonder if there’s an “official” table provided by the Freesurfer developers.
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
import rpy2.robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
# Activate the pandas conversion
# Import the 'brainGraph' package
brainGraph = importr('brainGraph')
# Access the 'destrieux' object
destrieux = ro.r['destrieux']
# Convert the R dataframe to a pandas dataframe, then sort by hemisphere
# and id
df = pandas2ri.rpy2py(destrieux)
df = df.sort_values(['hemi','index'])