Most up to date bids converter?

I noted the current bids version is 1.10. Is there a function or package (implemented in matlab or python preferentially) that implements this version?

Hi @JoaoAmaro2001,

Most recent bids updates pertain to specific additional derivative types, any maintained BIDS converters (eg BIDSCoin, dcm2bids and others) should be fine for making raw data.


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Though this also depends on the imaging modality you are interested in.

Most converters specialise in a few datatypes or modalities.

So if you want to convert MEG data, then you may not care if the converter supports bids 1.10 as the latest version is mostly about magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

What matters in ALL cases, run the latest bids validator on your converted data: some converters may do as much as they can to convert your data but may leave some things for you to fix manually at the end.

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