Motion censoring (scrubbing) on CPAC

Hello everyone,

I’m customizing the default pipeline to preprocess infant data with CPAC and was wondering if it’s possible to include motion censoring (scrubbing) for volumes exceeding a specific FD/DVARS.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @luisagulleiro,

This part of the C-PAC documentation has info on specifying FD/DVARS thresholds. Let me know if I can help you with integrating this into your config!

Thanks for your help @tamsinrogers! How can this be integrated into the pipeline yml file? Under motion_estimates_and_correction I can’t find an option to specifiy FD thresholds… Should it be included in nuisance_corrections as a custom regressor?

Hi @luisagulleiro ,

You can add specifications for each regressor to 2-nuisance_regression in nuisance_corrections:

      - Name: {string}
          method: {one of ["Kill", "Zero", "Interpolate", "SpikeRegression"]}
          number_of_previous_trs_to_censor: {int}
          number_of_subsequent_trs_to_censor: {int}
          thresholds: {as many as applicable}
          - type: {one of ['FD_J', 'FD_P', 'DVARS']}
            value: {int}

let me know if that gives you any issues or if I can clarify further!